
Case Report

Atopic Conjunctivitis in Children: Influence of Treatment with Topical Cyclosporin 0.05% in the Quality of Life

Carlos Alberto Sánchez Salguero* and Álvaro Isidro Sánchez Chacón

Published: 31 January, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-008

Introduction: Forty-six per cent children have allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (Allergologica 2005).

Working hypothesis: Ocular topical cyclosporine improves the quality of life for these patients.

Material, methods, design: 2-year prospective study (2015-16), 40 patients with topical corticosteroids without improvement, followed 20 and 20 switched to corticosteroids cyclosporine 0.05%. Interview with Quality of Life Questionnaire in Children with rhinoconjunctivitis (PRQLQ) before and at the end of treatment. Mean age of 10.3 years with 60% male-40% female. Treatments were applied from January to March. There were 15 questions divided into two blocks. Children responded using a card with responses rated from zero (not bothered at all) to 6 (quite upset).

Results: Before the 100% reported that, the itching was very bothersome. In the group of 40 children, 80% showed symptoms of epiphora and 60% showed symptoms of ocular inflammation. 100% complained of significant discomfort in rubbing their eyes, 30% did not like to take medications. Headaches affected 20%. 100% stated that they cannot play normally. 80% showed decreased concentration in class.

Continuing with corticosteroids did not show statistically significant changes.

Patients with cyclosporine improved the results by 3 points, with decreased itching, tearing, swelling, pain, eye rubbing, medication and headaches. In the 2nd questionnaire there was limited variation in the results related to fatigue, malaise, and irritability but with substantially improved balance of sleep, insomnia and concentration at school.

Conclusion: Cyclosporine A is a cyclic polypeptide calcineurin inhibitor developed from the fungus Tolypocladium inflatum. The first dilution was 2% but it is currently used at a dilution of 0.05% and recent publications suggest nanosuspensions. Our study showed improvement in parameters related to symptoms, especially itching and lower improvement of psychological aspects, this achieves a better quality of life for children and more willingness to adhere to the treatment.

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Allergy; Atopic; Conjunctivitis; Children; Cyclosporine 0.05%; Quality of life


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